

We’re so excited to have you on the team

Welcome to the start of your own Justine journey.  My name is René Woodenberg, the leader and founder of our team called Team Diamonds. This was the name chosen by the ladies in the team, to represent our strength, beauty and resilience under pressure. 


Now that you have joined the team, I’d like to get you setup with some tips first before you even get started.   
I know, I know, you want to get to the money earning part already, right?  Trust me, I’ve been there.  

This new venture is exciting but I want to take this time to relay some important information to you.  This is going to make a huge difference to the longevity of your business.  
These tips come from learnings of my own mistakes, so that you are a little more prepared than I was.
So without further ado, here is your first bit of Team Diamonds knowledge! 

Tips discussed in this video

Tip 1 – Money management

  • Don’t sell on credit.  That means, don’t give them the products now and collect at month end. 
  • Keep your Justine customer payments and your own personal money separate. Its a good idea to keep a separate wallet for customer money, so you don’t mistakenly spend the money that should be paid to your Justine account. 

Tip 2 – Manage your expectations

Expect that you won’t be earning huge amounts in the beginning, especially not from your first order.  And that you will need to grow your sales to increase your earnings. 

Tip 3 – Think like your customer

Employ more active selling methods like reaching out to someone specific and asking them if they’d like to take a look at your brochure.  Passive selling like posting a picture on your WhatsApp profile is not going to grow your sales. You have to reach out to your customers, they are not going to come to you. 

Tip 4 – Embrace the learning curve

This business is new to you, so you’ll be learning lots, and that’s part of the fun.  Think of this new business as a bicycle, where you still have your training wheels on.  Your upline leader (whether that’s me or one of the leaders in our team) will show you how to go about your business in the beginning, but eventually you are expected to take control of your business and run most of your tasks yourself. 

Tip 5 – Remember that you are not island

You are in business for yourself, but you don’t have to be by yourself.

We don’t want you to struggle on your own.  Please reach out if you need help. You can always reach out to me on WhatsApp at any time, night or day.  I will respond as soon as I can, within reasonable hours of course.

Please join our team’s WhatsApp group here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CHIeJuWQLkgAY1ZIzb6T46

And our Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/teamdiamondsjustine

Let me know what you’re struggling with, and what you’ve done to help yourself (VERY important bit here) so I know where to assist you from there.   


Wishing you TONS of success in your new business.  

Onwards to Part 2

Now that we have that sorted, let’s get you up and ready with your tools to run your business


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